Wildside Adventure Race , Forster 2014
We all arrived in Forster Friday at the Nial's home. Terry and Sheryl have been welcoming athletes into their home since the start of the Forster Ironman and they volunteered to run the Start/ Finish line of that event for 17 years. These incredibly generous and giving people made our race preparation a much easier task.
On Saturday we got a race briefing and completed all the
competency testing. Team Bear Hunt had the most difficult tent to put up, but
at nearly half the weight of ours, I was extremely envious.
4.00pm map hand out and we were off to start the planning; we
had 23 hours as the gear boxes had to be loaded onto the transport vehicles by
3.00pm Sunday.We didn't get maps for the first trek leg or know where the race was to start, but with 33 maps in total we had a huge task in front of us.
We decided to get a good night sleep and stopped course
planning at 10:30pm and then recommenced at 6:30am. This took longer than
expected as we finished laminating our maps at 12 noon leaving us a very short
time to pack boxes. We made it with minutes to spare and were soon on the bus
for a short trip out to a Wooton Winery where we were given the first trek leg
maps and were told the start would be at 1.00am. A good feed was provided and I limited myself to only one
glass of red. The tents provided had no bedding so we were all huddled
together shivering our way to the start time on the cold hard ground, our tent
soon fell into fits of laughter with stupid jokes, reminiscing on past races
and way too many Dutch Ovens.
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Wildside AR.....and they are off! |
The gun went off and we all disappeared into the darkness
across the paddocks and into the bush trails, Team Tiger and Bear Hunt were
first to start swimming across the first river and after assuring us the water
was warm enough we quickly nuded up and frolicked in after them. It wasn't long after this that Jody started up with a mild
fever and some nausea, we eased the pace to manage her condition; she had also
rolled her ankle which was making her a little unstable. Knowing how tough Jody is, I wasn't worried about her ability to continue, I was more worried she would
push too hard and her condition could become serious. We were surprised after
6 hours to be the first team to the kayak.
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G1 in action with G2 just one step behind |
The sun had been up for an hour and the paddle across Wallis
Lake into Forster and out to Nabiac was spectacular with clear waters and an
abundance of bird life. This was a 5 hour paddle and we all soon realized that
none of us had done sufficient paddle training. We all had sore backs, the beginnings
of blisters and sore bums. Glenn who was heading up search and rescue did a
professional job of strapping Jody's ankle. Thanks to Glenn this held till the
end of the race and gave Jody the confidence to traverse the many challenges
that lay before us.
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G1 in action....these kayaks are heavy! |
Onto Leg 3 MTB/Rogaine/MTB. The temperatures were soaring,
we were still nursing Jody and now Darren was starting to feel the effects of
the heat and needed a little help up the hills also. CP 12 was a little
ambiguous with the description being 'car' but the CP circle drawn off the side
of the track. Our first grid search of the CP location began. We got lucky on
this one as Jody rode around the bend outside of the circle and soon spotted the
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Hot day for the team on the bikes! |
The Rogaine went smoothly, this was through a MTB trail park
south of Taree and the single tracks would have been awesome on our bikes but
unfortunately we had to run. We remounted our bikes for the short ride into
Tinolee for our next paddle leg on the Manning River. After the first CP at the Taree Council Chambers, Jody's
condition deteriorated and the vomiting began, some in the boat but most over
the edge for the fish. She got into warm clothes as she now wasn't able to
paddle to stay warm enough. I was quite worried she would fall in as she was
also falling asleep; we had to keep yelling to keep her awake.
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The heat is taking it out of everyone! |
We reached Coopernook after 5 hours and put Jody to bed on the
doorstep of the pub out of the wind, after 4 hours she still couldn't stand up without being overcome with nausea, so back for another 4 hours sleep and dawn.
The anti-nausea tablets were finally working and we were able to start our MTB
very gently to a large volcanic plug in the forest called Big Nellie, a short
trek to the summit for some spectacular views stretching up and down the
coastline. Back on the bikes for the grind into Comboyn with both Jody and
Darren on tow, G2 [Gary Palmer] and myself had to be wary of not blowing
ourselves up with the extra work load. We vowed to have a quick TA here as our
last one was 8 hours, we got out in 25 mins but only got as far as the first cafe
for a much needed calorie hit.
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Taking every opportunity to refuel! |
This trek up to the highest waterfall in the southern hemisphere,
Ellenborough Falls was going to be a cracker and we were all really excited.
Darren was still suffering in the heat and was quickly closing in on his first technicolour
yawn. Our pace had slowed and I was now worried about getting out of the gorge
before dark as I only had a token mandatory light that was probably good enough
to read by but not for jumping around boulders. We had unknowingly passed Team
Tiger from a nav error and were in the lead. Tiger caught us just before the
climb out and we trekked up the stairs together. Shaun from their team was also
in a lot of discomfort in the early stages of bronchitis, which would later see
him retire from the event. We got Darren straight to bed as he has physically
spent from vomiting numerous times on this trek. He was now a concern, we
needed to stop the nausea and get fluids and calories into him.
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In the Gorge with Tiger |
Thankfully for
us the lovely ladies at the Falls Kiosk decided to stay open all night for the
racers and we were able to feast out on chicken vegetable soup, pepper steak
pasties, sausage rolls an assortment of cakes muffins and beverages. We slept
here for 4 hours which gave Darren some much needed convalescing. He had an
organic juice and some soup broth from the kiosk and we were off for a 110km
MTB which was one of the longer and more challenging legs of the race. We were
back in third but soon passed The Stromlunauts. Tiger Adventure, who were
having a great race, were thriving at the front of the field .
We soon had a
minor glitch as Jody's chain broke and then 30km into this leg our next
challenge presented itself, the derailleur bolt on G2's bike snapped. We took off the derailleur and converted his bike to a single
speed. He now had a max speed of 18km per hour and he could no longer tow
anyone. Jody stepped up here and rode without needing any help she was finally
starting to get back to her normal fun-loving, storytelling, practical joking self that
we had been missing all race. Darren was in recovery mode but still grovelling
on tow. He was doing it tough but was determined to keep up. We passed Tiger on
a sketchy downhill and cleared the next CP quickly which could have been tricky,
but we had questioned the Race Director on the CP location before the start as
there were 3 x Track/Creek junctions in the CP circle. Our first of many, ‘hike-a-bikes’ began and finally G2 could help me tow Darren. We entered a more
technical navigation plantation section and more hike-a-bike. We were
approaching the end, our food and water was gone as we had predicted 8 hours for this
leg and it had taken 15 hours. We rode into Barrington straight past the TA and
the bemused faces of the TA officials and went straight to the servo for a pie,
sausage roll, ice coffee milk and an ice cream each.
Off for a short 5km trek up to the Barrington Adventure
centre to pick up our tyre tubes for the paddle back to the TA we had just
left. We were all feeling good now apart from being cold from paddling into
dusk on the Barrington River. Again a great TA spot, our servo was closed but
the TA hall had a microwave, so we heated up our cans of chunky beef soup and
I concocted us a dessert of mashed banana and sugar on wraps and heated them up in
the zapper.
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Look at these for paddles! G2 on the tube! |
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G1 and his new paddle! |
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Jody just going with the flow! |
We rode out of Barrington for another epic 87km leg, our stomachs
were full and we felt good, the next 30km was on tarmac and with a top speed of
only 18km/hour it was easy for all but G2 who was spinning his nuts off on his newly
detested single speed bike, his trusty steed had also developed a rear brake
problem, we were starting to wonder if his bike would see the finish. This was
no cheap dunger bike either but a $10,000 black stallion. I think it is
going straight to the knackery when he gets home. When we left the tarmac the nav got tricky with our intended
trail no longer existing, we traversed through farmers fields along a ridgeline
through a creek and, hey presto, the trail was back. We were now
on some of the sweetest flowing single track you could hope to find. We couldn't find the trail out, so we back-tracked about one km to try a different route, I crashed from falling asleep so G2 took over the nav, it was getting tough and I was a
zombie. G2 thought he knew where we were but wasn't sure so we dropped to the ground
for a sleep, 6 mins later it started to rain so we were up and refreshed after a
good night's 6 minutes sleep and brisk morning shower! G2 and I got down to the business
of nutting out our new route; again the track was no longer in existence.
fell back on our Rogaining experience and traversed the terrain cross country till
the track once again appeared. We were now faced with a big hike-a-bike which
took us off course and onto the wrong peak, after a little two and fro to
determine exactly where we were, I gambled on a motor bike track with the
assumption that the dirt bikers had to come from somewhere and it was probably
from the tracks we wanted below us. Yahoo! We were back on course, another broken
chain for G2 and with no more trouble, no food and some water, thanks to a kind
resident who spared some of her tank water, we arrived at Bulahdelah. Again we
headed straight to the cafe for a pie, hamburger and flavoured milk. We had again
planned for an 8 hour ride and it had taken us 15 hours. We packed up our bikes for the final time; G2's bike just
crumbled into dust into his box, thankfully the old girl just made it.
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Team MD's arrive at the cafe! |
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When a pie has never tasted so good! |
We left Bulahdelah feeling good and had an uneventful but
very nice trek through to the Myall Lakes TA. The wild flowers on this leg
were beautiful and in abundance. A quick nap and we were off on our final ‘bum-numbing’ 5 hour
paddle into the cold of night and strong wind which kept us wet and fresh. Things
started to get a bit funky here with the 'sleep monsters' claiming our sanity. Out
came renditions of 'row, row, row your boat' and a boat load of other verbal diarrhoea
that couldn't be repeated.
We quickly departed the Bungwahl TA, with chattering teeth and
began our last epic trek leg running to warm up, we were in great spirits with
the finish in sight and we were starting to believe we may win this race. We had a little trouble with the first CP,
surprise, surprise another ambiguous CP placement. Dazza nailed this one for us with some deductive sleep
deprived logic, we took pity on Team Search 4 Hurt and told them where this
CP was as they had been doing it tough
and had been short-coursed and were disappointed to have missed the 2 big MTB legs.
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Team MDs refueling before hitting the beach. |
We hit 7 Mile Beach in good spirits but Dazza's mental state
soon deteriorated through sheer exhaustion. He thought his food and water were poisoned.
We were worried he wasn't eating enough and upon Jody's request he informed her he
had just eaten some grilled fish. Where from? she enquired...with a look of disdain
on his face he informed her "from the ocean".
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Jody tries to give Darren some water! |
We finally came to the location of the now famous [only to
us] CP 57, control description Dune. Well for 3 x hours we crawled through the
thick dune scrub doing a grid search 250m either side of the centre of the
circle. Finally, a race official turned up to see what the problem was. He could’t
find the control either. It was eventually located 500m from the centre of the
circle. With a hearty chuckle amongst ourselves of this amusing trick that had been played on us, we continued on toward the finish and a frosty beer.
Darren's mental state deteriorated further and he could no
longer differentiate between fact and fantasy, he no longer spoke, he only
pointed, nodded and smiled. I continually asked him if he was going to finish, he always
nodded with a determined glint in his eye. We had reverted to carrying him for
the last 6km. Within the last 3km he needed to stop and sleep 3 times, doubt
was creeping in. He put in a final effort up the sand hill and we coasted to
the finish with relief - our goal had finally been achieved. Darren passed all medical checks and after a night’s sleep
was back to his normal self.
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Team work all the way to the Finish! |
G2 finished amazingly, holding strong throughout and helping
out every time it was required.
Jody had a rocky start through illness but finished as
strong as us boys. Darren's determination got him to the finish.
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Team Mountain Designs - Winners Wildside AR 2014 |
Finally, it was the teamwork that inspired me from a group
of rookie's who tackled and won their first expedition race.
Thank-you guys, for a truly memorable experience! What an
amazing species we are.
Written by Gary Sutherland Team Mountain Designs 2014
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Team Mountain Designs - Darren, Gary S (G1) , Jody and Gary P G2 |
freakin smokin